Thursday, February 12

Who made god, God!!!

I mean, God is considered the ultimate. But why? In english language, the word god has to be written as God and not god, i.e., with a capital 'G'. We have been otherwise taught to use capital letters only at the start of a sentence. So, this person, who is by default "He" has made an exception in language too. Is He so important. i dont think so. pardon me if someone's feeling are hurt if I write god with a small 'g' and pardon me for not using he, for this creature.

Is god good or bad! 
As said in most of the religions, god controls the evil as well as the angels. So, who said that a good person is the one who can do so. God may be a crook also with a sane mind. Like a judge in the court of law, god, if there exists one, has to be equal to both. But, that doesn't guarantee of it to be good.

Where did god come from!
I actually do not know. But what my concept is, there must have been great kings whom people loved. They gave him a status of being extraordinary. Like it is said, responsibilies are never given, power can never be taken. So, this love and respect for the only one, people understood to be ultimate, turned into power for the king. But, power always has competition. The result would have been war. War for land (Like in mahabharata). War for the lady (like in Ramayana). Such great men were thereafter referred to as gods. God became a category. It would have been a status symbol by then. Then it would have been followed by fear. Fear of those clever kings, who would have forced his empire to worship him as god. Frustrated people started fantasizing about the assassination of their kings and started building up stories of the death of their kings (like in thestory of Narasimha avtar). Then came the era of noble gods. Noble people who sacrificed their lives for humanity were worshipped as gods. Like Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus. It is quite possible that grandchildren of our grandchildren might worship Gandhi, Lincoln, Vivekanand. So, god is a status. It is just a category like music. Once classical was considered Music. Then was Rock. Then other types followed. The passionate lovers of music express their feelings about it as god. So, the word god is just a synonym for ultimate, beautiful, wonderful, marvelous, etc. It is no person. It is justa status. Do something to get noticed in a very good way. You may be god for someone in the future. 

Why are there temples and Bibles!
Temples were built previously by kings to show their empire's richness and with a motive of social gathering. Now, he built it. So, it is fare enough for him to keep his statue in the temple. Right? Now the loyal people decorated his statue as a symbol of love. Even they would bless him in thier own language. Now the language was sanskrit. So, these blessings became verses of now. As gods changed, so were the verses according to the creativity of the poet of that century. Gita is a long advice. Now, character chosen for Arjun, matched most of the confused creatures of earth. The Bible and Quran are books written by great people. But they are just books. But these days, these books and temples are given too much of importance not for what they are, but for what they were for our ancestors. 

How does god look like!
Obviously, it all started with the kings. The face of a king. Some people tried on with their imaginations and created narasimha, ganesha, hanuman, etc. But did you notice that they all stole the design of nature. From cows, elephants, tiger, monkey, lions. May be they were of use to these generous creative people. Cows for milk, lion as a symbol of pride. Or even these animals were made to sit with gods in their photoshoots so as to control porching by the fear of being punished for hurting gods' animals. It was all a strategy. Strategy to discipline people.

Did god become happening!
As the kings died, there had to be a plan. There had to be a discipline in the society. So, the routine goes as follows. Get up early. Show some gratitude to the king. And now it is god. How to do that? Go to the temple. Give milk on behalf of fauna. Give flowers on behalf of flora. Light lamps or candles on behalf of sun. It is all a gesture. When done as a gesture, you feel good. If done as a duty, you would regret for not doing when you don't. Then, these people with gestures, taught their children their personal ways of worshipping. As time passed, these children thought the gestures to be duties and their parents' way as the only way. Then forced their children to follow by telling them silly stories of gods getting angry at you or rewarding you for worshipping him. Kings used to get angry or used to reward. But now, as kings do not remain as gods, then how can their practices be identified as the nature of god. So, god is happening. But happening as a routine. 

Does god reward or punish!
It is considered, when god rewards, its the person's luck. When he punishes, it is the person's fate. God knows it all. There is so much happening in the world around you. How can you alone control your life. It is all intertwined. If one thread has to be released, many have to feel the stretch. In the process of undoing the tangle some threads might break. So definitely, it has nothing do with rewards and punishments. It is just all about permutations and combinations. It takes time to untangle each threads. You never know, you might come out with some other thread without effort or you may also get stuck just like that. So its just play with independent rules of each of the player. So, god has no hand in all this.

Is god male or female!
Kings were male. So were gods. But, few material things were of interest for all the people. Like power, art, wealth and lady. Knigs used to take pride in owning these things. Even most of the wars were a result of these things. Now, the gods of main things like birth, existence and death, were designed to be males, as it was always a male chauvanist society. The rest were all females as females were themselves considered a part of the most priced possessions. Similar is the case as in greek goddess of love, etc. It may be material things, emotions or something else, those who considered which ever important, created a god out of it. And, then came the word, goddess. Did you know there is no such word as actress. It is only actor. Male actor or female actor. But then, actress was used like tiger & tigress. So is the case with god & goddess. As a result, god is male (by default) and goddess is female.

Does worshipping god help!
Hmmm... I would tell you that it is not the god that helps, it is you, your own self that helps you. It is the belief system that works. If you believe something with all hearts, consider it done. If your mother tells you that, pray to god he will take care, then it is not the god who takes care, but it is the belief in you that someone called god will definitely take care. Belief system is effective.Have you seen a child praying to god. It is his innocence that makes the belief system work faster. innocence works as a catalyst. So, worshipping god with a belief works. It does wonders. Even for those who do not believe in god, things works because they believe in something or the other. 

Is god everywhere!
God is a concept. God is a synonym of the word good, beautiful, etc all in superlative degree. God is an expression, a gesture. God is a status. God is a category. For each one of us, there is something special in our own lives. It may be our passion for music, painting, or our love for children,  some inspiration, someother person, your mother, fathe, girl-friend, or your own self. So, this speciality or importance we give, the power and love that we give to our special one object, is god. So, god is definitely everywhere. It is omnipresent. I used "IT" because god is not necessarily a person. It may be your new dustbin as well.

Whatever you give importance to and have a strong belief in, is GOD. Your own - Oh My God!